Monday, December 7, 2009

The Great "BFM"

This beautiful Permit was caught by one of my finest fly anglers, Scott Smith from Tipton MI. It was a gorgeous day in May and Scott landed this huge Permit on a fly! This is one of the most difficult things to do in the fly fishing world. Scott has landed many huge trophy fish on my boat over the years including a his first Tarpon which taped out at over 180lbs! He is also known as the "BFM" or Big Fish Magnet.

Crazy Grouper

Caught this nice Gag in shallow water... what a blast! She was 35" long and weighed about 17 lbs. We put her back, so you can go hunt her down!

What a Way to Spend Thanksgiving!

The Father-Son team Double Hookup! The larger snook was 12 lbs. Caught heavy snook all morning, then hit some crazy grouper action later in the day.